ESC Professional Premium Access

About the speaker

Doctor Panagiotis Theofilis

Hippokration General Hospital, Athens (Greece)
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8 more presentations in this session

Lower rate of ischemic events with PCSK9 inhibition in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but without prior ischemic events

Speaker: Professor D. Bhatt (New York, US)


Strike early-strike strong lipid-lowering strategy with PCSK9i in ACS patients. Real-world evidence from AT-TARGET-IT registry.

Speaker: Doctor F. Marzano (Naples, IT)


Functional improvement of non-infarct related coronary artery stenosis by extensive LDL-C reduction with a PCSK9 antibody: the FITTER trial, microvascular function analysis

Speaker: Mr J. Los (Nijmegen, NL)


Estimated impact of inclisiran treatment on hyperlipidemia prevalence and cardiovascular disease events in NHANES dataset

Speaker: Professor Y. Zhang (Shanghai, CN)


Inclisiran-containing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction effectively stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques

Speaker: Doctor B. Kokina (Riga, LV)


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Lipid-lowering treatment: impact on the atherosclerotic plaque and outcomes

Speakers: Doctor P. Theofilis, Professor D. Bhatt, Doctor F. Marzano, Mr J. Los, Professor Y. Zhang...

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ESC Congress 2024

30 August - 2 September 2024

Sessions Presentations