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Lower rate of ischemic events with PCSK9 inhibition in patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease but without prior ischemic events

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Deepak Bhatt

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York (United States of America)
44 presentations

8 more presentations in this session

Strike early-strike strong lipid-lowering strategy with PCSK9i in ACS patients. Real-world evidence from AT-TARGET-IT registry.

Speaker: Doctor F. Marzano (Naples, IT)


PCSK9 inhibitors and coronary atherosclerotic plaque modification: a meta-analysis

Speaker: Doctor P. Theofilis (Athens, GR)


Functional improvement of non-infarct related coronary artery stenosis by extensive LDL-C reduction with a PCSK9 antibody: the FITTER trial, microvascular function analysis

Speaker: Mr J. Los (Nijmegen, NL)


Estimated impact of inclisiran treatment on hyperlipidemia prevalence and cardiovascular disease events in NHANES dataset

Speaker: Professor Y. Zhang (Shanghai, CN)


Inclisiran-containing low-density lipoprotein cholesterol reduction effectively stabilizes atherosclerotic plaques

Speaker: Doctor B. Kokina (Riga, LV)


Access the full session

Lipid-lowering treatment: impact on the atherosclerotic plaque and outcomes

Speakers: Professor D. Bhatt, Doctor F. Marzano, Doctor P. Theofilis, Mr J. Los, Professor Y. Zhang...

About the event


ESC Congress 2024

30 August - 2 September 2024

Sessions Presentations