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Comparative study of the effects of left ventricular and biventricular pacing on indices of cardiac function and clinical status of heart failure patients: preliminary results of READAPT study.

Congress Presentation

About the speakers

Doctor Christina Chrysohoou

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
17 presentations
1 follower

Professor Konstantinos Tsioufis

Hippokration General Hospital, Athens (Greece)
37 presentations

7 more presentations in this session

Changes in medical therapy after cardiac resynchronization in patients with heart failure: insights from the U.S. Veterans Affairs healthcare system

Speaker: Doctor A. Varshney (Palo Alto, US)


CineECG repolarization gradients predict acute hemodynamical response in CRT patients

Speaker: Doctor K. Sedova (Prague, CZ)


Does scar burden predict sudden cardiac death in patients with cardiac resynchronization therapy? - A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

Speaker: Doctor R. Masszi (Budapest, HU)


Determinants and differences of delay in cardiac resynchronization therapy

Speaker: Doctor P. Gatti (Stockholm, SE)


QRS width variation as a marker of prognosis after CRT implantation: getting slimmer is getting better.

Speaker: Mr D. Ferreira (Lisbon, PT)


Access the full session

Cardiac resynchronisation therapy in heart failure

Speakers: Doctor C. Chrysohoou, Professor K. Tsioufis, Doctor A. Varshney, Doctor K. Sedova, Doctor R. Masszi...

About the event


ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations