Open Access

Conventional HF management: what are the continuing unmet medical needs?

Topic: Chronic Heart Failure
Sponsored by Charité Friends & Sponsors Trust - Supported by an educational grant from Impulse Dynamics

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Carolyn S P Lam

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Singapore (Singapore)
168 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Welcome and introduction

Speaker: Professor S. Anker (Berlin, DE)


CCM: what do we know and what are we learning?

Speaker: Professor J. Butler (Dallas, US)


CCM: what are the benefits of early implementation?

Speaker: Doctor A. Sauer (Kansas City, US)


Panel discussion and conclusion

Speaker: Professor S. Anker (Berlin, DE) Professor C. Lam (Singapore, SG) Professor J. Butler (Dallas, US) Doctor A. Sauer (Kansas City, US) Professor F. Malek (Prague, CZ)


Access the full session

Reducing hospitalisations and improving quality of life: why use cardiac contractility modulation (CCM)?

Speakers: Professor C. Lam, Professor S. Anker, Professor J. Butler, Doctor A. Sauer, Professor S. Anker...

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations