Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Singapore (Singapore)
Dr Lam is recognized globally for expertise in heart failure with mildly reduced and preserved ejection fraction. She is a world-renown clinical trialist, contributing in global leadership capacity to several heart failure trials that have changed practice in the field. Dr. Lam’s leadership in the field is recognized in her appointment to the 2021 ESC Heart Failure Guidelines Task Force and as International Honorary Fellow of the Heart Failure Society of America 2021. Her accomplishments are also recognized in numerous awards and grants: She is a recipient of the NMRC Senior Investigator Clinician Scientist Award, Founding Programme Lead of A*STaR’s Asian neTwork for Translational Research and Cardiovascular Trials (ATTRaCT), a Clarivate Highly Cited Researcher 2021 in Clinical Medicine and lead author of the chapter on HFpEF for Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 12th Edition. She serves as Associate Editor for Circulation and Eur J Heart Fail.