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Comparing doppler-echocardiography and thermodilution for cardiac output measurements in resuscitated out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients undergoing targeted temperature management

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Johannes Grand

Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen (Denmark)
12 presentations

6 more presentations in this session

Validation of quantitative pupillometry, for neuroprognostication in patients resuscitated from cardiac arrest

Speaker: Doctor B. Nyholm (Copenhagen, DK)


Impact of audiovisual feedback in resuscitation on return of spontaneous circulation and survival

Speaker: Mr L. Obling (Copenhagen, DK)


Tocilizumab reduces cardiac injury after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest primarily in patients without acute revascularization - Results from a randomized trial, The IMICA trial

Speaker: Doctor M. Meyer (Copenhagen, DK)


The impact of kids save lives program on Knowledge, skills and attitude of Greek students. Final results from 2 years of implementation

Speaker: Doctor C. Parisis (Larissa, GR)


Evaluation of basic life support education for high school students in a city in brazil

Speaker: Ms J. Coutinho Cordeiro (Belo Horizonte, BR)


Access the full session

Live Abstract session - Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

Speakers: Doctor J. Grand, Doctor B. Nyholm, Mr L. Obling, Doctor M. Meyer, Doctor C. Parisis...

About the event


ACVC 2021

13 March - 14 March 2021

Sessions Presentations