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Joining the pieces: the heart-kidney connection.


Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Carolyn S P Lam

Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, Singapore (Singapore)
168 presentations

5 more presentations in this session

Welcome and introduction - Solving the puzzle of heart failure, diabetic kidney disease and risk of stroke: let’s fit the pieces together.

Speaker: Professor M. Cowie (London, GB)


New opportunities in managing your high risk chronic CAD patient.

Speaker: Professor K. Branch (Seattle, US)


Interlinked factors affecting stroke risk in your patients with AF.

Speaker: Professor H. Bonnemeier (Luebeck, DE)


Digital solutions to improve outcomes in heart failure.

Speaker: Professor M. Cowie (London, GB)


Q&A and closing - Solving the puzzle of heart failure, diabetic kidney disease and risk of stroke: let’s fit the pieces together.

Speaker: Professor M. Cowie (London, GB) Professor K. Branch (Seattle, US) Professor H. Bonnemeier (Luebeck, DE) Professor C. Lam (Singapore, SG)


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Solving the puzzle of heart failure, diabetic kidney disease and risk of stroke: let’s fit the pieces together

Speakers: Professor C. Lam, Professor M. Cowie, Professor K. Branch, Professor H. Bonnemeier, Professor M. Cowie...

About the event


Heart Failure 2019

25 May - 28 May 2019

Sessions Presentations