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Exclusive olive oil consumption and 10-year (2002-2012) cardiovascular disease incidence: the ATTICA Study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Christina Chrysohoou

National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens (Greece)
17 presentations
1 follower

9 more presentations in this session

Malnutrition and low omega 6 PUFA levels on admission were associated with the development of delirium in patients with acute cardiovascular disease admitted to coronary care unit

Speaker: Doctor Y. Sugita (Tokyo, JP)


Nutritonal food labelling awareness in the community

Speaker: Ms C. Duffy (Galway, IE)


Breakfast Consumption: association with arterial stiffness and atherosclerotic burden

Speaker: Doctor G. Vogiatzi (Athens, GR)


Effects of habitual coffee consumption on vascular function: the corinthia study

Speaker: Doctor G. Vogiatzi (Athens, GR)


The mediating role of Mediterranean diet on the association between cardiovascular disease risk and Lp(a) levels

Speaker: Professor L. Rallidis (Athens, GR)


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Poster Session 7 - Nutrition, malnutrition, heart disease and obesity

Speakers: Doctor C. Chrysohoou, Doctor Y. Sugita, Ms C. Duffy, Doctor G. Vogiatzi, Doctor G. Vogiatzi...

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ESC Congress 2018

25 August - 29 August 2018

Sessions Presentations