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Left atrial reservoir strain for diastolic function grading and its associations with long-term outcomes in a community-based cohort

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Mate Tolvaj

Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center, Budapest (Hungary)
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4 more presentations in this session

Simple exercise echocardiography parameters can enhance diagnosis of early heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)

Speaker: Doctor S. Ng (Oxford, GB)


Enhancing left ventricular filling pressure estimation in patients with asymptomatic severe aortic stenosis patients, integration of left atrial reservoir strain analysis

Speaker: Doctor E. Kaya (Oslo, NO)


Utilizing echocardiographic findings and machine learning to predict elevated left ventricular filling pressures in patients with preserved ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor P. Andersson (Lund, SE)


A novel imaging-based method to estimate left ventricular filling pressure

Speaker: Doctor J. Fernandes (London, GB)


Access the full session

Improving estimation of LV filling pressures

Speakers: Doctor M. Tolvaj, Doctor S. Ng, Doctor E. Kaya, Doctor P. Andersson, Doctor J. Fernandes

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2024

11 December - 13 December 2024

Sessions Presentations