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Thrombotic odyssey: navigating the challenges in a complex medical case

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Alina-Petruta Stoica

University Emergency Hospital of Bucharest, Bucharest (Romania)
2 presentations
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4 more presentations in this session

Angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibition in patients with end-stage kidney disease and refractory hypertension

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At the intersection of ischemic and bleeding risk – What type-2 myocardial infarction unveils in young patient with HIV infection and uterine fibroma

Speaker: Doctor M. Iurascu-Botezatu (Bucharest, RO)


Peritoneal dialysis: is it time to move to DOACs?

Speaker: Mrs S. Burja Piko (Maribor, SI)


Systemic sclerosis/ polymyositis (SSC/ PM) overlap syndrome induced cardiomyopathy in the context of renal crisis- a diagnostic dilemma

Speaker: Doctor A. Karthik (Preston, GB)


Access the full session

Challenges with cardiovascular comorbidities

Speakers: Doctor A. Stoica, Doctor C. HUANG, Doctor M. Iurascu-Botezatu, Mrs S. Burja Piko, Doctor A. Karthik

About the event


ESC Congress 2024

30 August - 2 September 2024

Sessions Presentations