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Lipoprotein(a) levels and LPA genotypes are not associated with echocardiographic measures of left ventricular structure and function in the general population

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Anne Marie Reimer Jensen

Herlev-Gentofte University Hospital, Gentofte (Denmark)
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8 more presentations in this session

Study of lipoprotein(a) and its impact on atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease: design, rationale, and first results of the Zabrze-Lip(a)R Registry

Speaker: Associate Professor K. Dyrbus (Zabrze, PL)


A sex-related analysis on the influence of lipoprotein(a) on primary cardiovascular disease prevention and its interplay with traditional lipid markers: results from a 20-year cohort study.

Speaker: Miss E. Damigou (Kallithea-Athens, GR)


Prognostic values of lipoprotein(a) levels for secondary prevention of acute coronary syndrome among patients who underwent primary percutaneous coronary intervention

Speaker: Doctor R. Okubo (Tokyo, JP)


Effects of lipid-lowering therapies on lipoprotein(a) levels in patients with dyslipidemia: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of 64 randomised controlled trials

Speaker: Mr E. Loh (Singapore, SG)


Lipoprotein(a) and cardiovascular prognosis of familial dyslipidemias: data from a 10-year follow-up study

Speaker: Doctor I. Andrikou (Athens, GR)


Access the full session

Lp(a): the new risk factor

Speakers: Doctor A. Reimer Jensen, Associate Professor K. Dyrbus, Miss E. Damigou, Doctor R. Okubo, Mr E. Loh...

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ESC Congress 2024

30 August - 2 September 2024

Sessions Presentations