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Influence of process-focused patient care on clinical outcomes among hospitalized heart failure patients in the cardiology ward

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Laia Lorenzo Esteller

Hospital de Bellvitge, Hospitalet De Llobregat (Spain)
1 presentation
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8 more presentations in this session

Heart failure hospitalization reduction and long-term safety with remote pulmonary artery pressure monitoring: results of the CardioMEMS HF System OUS Post-Market Study

Speaker: Professor F. Roubille (Montpellier, FR)


Empowering patients with heart failure: a digital health solution improved self-care and metabolic outcomes in a randomized controlled trial

Speaker: Professor D. Arnar (Reykjavik, IS)


The effects of a dyadic empowerment-based heart failure management (De-HF) programme on self-care and HRQL : a randomized controlled trial

Speaker: Doctor D. Yu (Hong Kong, HK)


Efficacy and safety of ambulatory, weekly, high-intensity intravenous diuretic strategy for congestion-refractory heart failure patients: insights from the DEA-HF prospective randomized clinical trial

Speaker: Doctor A. Gruber (Haifa, IL)


Delivering remote monitoring, through primary care, to patients with chronic heart failure

Speaker: Doctor D. Bailey (IE)


Access the full session

Telemonitoring and multidisciplinary care in heart failure

Speakers: Doctor L. Lorenzo Esteller, Professor F. Roubille, Professor D. Arnar, Doctor D. Yu, Doctor A. Gruber...

About the event


ESC Congress 2024

30 August - 2 September 2024

Sessions Presentations