Open Access

Psychometric properties of the KCCQ-12 in an european cohort of patients with heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Paolo Paolo Iovino

University of Florence, Florence (Italy)
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Inequality in continuity of care after hospitalization due to cardiac conditions

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Expectations and experiences of tele-yoga in persons with heart failure a longitudinal qualitative design

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Fatigue in women after percutaneous coronary intervention - results from CONCARDPCI

Speaker: Ms M. Hamre (Bergen, NO)


Patients with and without history of atrial fibrillation after percutaneous coronary intervention increased focus on modifiable risk factors

Speaker: Miss A. Kjoelseth (Bergen, NO)


Access the full session

Tailoring care for individual patients' needs through novel research

Speakers: Assistant Professor P. Paolo Iovino, Doctor H. Dollaku, Doctor E. Safstrom, Mrs T. Hedbom, Ms M. Hamre...

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ACNAP Congress 2024

14 June - 15 June 2024

Sessions Presentations