Open Access

INTERASPIRE a global cross-sectional survey of secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) across six WHO regions

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Catriona Sian Jennings

University of Galway, Galway (Ireland)
17 presentations
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5 more presentations in this session

Evaluation of secondary prevention knowledge in patients with coronary syndrome

Speaker: Mr G. Balint (Bratislava, SK)


A generic logic model for physical activity interventions for the cardiac population using intervention mapping

Speaker: Doctor S. Kulnik (Salzburg, AT)


Co-designing an information map guiding patients on their journey to cardiac rehabilitation in Austria

Speaker: Mrs I. Hoeppchen (Salzburg, AT)


The influence of the health status and functional capacity assessment of older people with heart failure on the participation in a cardiac rehabilitation program after myocardial infarction

Speaker: Doctor L. Pietrzykowski (Torun, PL)


Exercise-based cardiac rehabilitation effects on severity of angina, HRQoL and exercise capacity in patients with microvascular angina: systematic review and meta-analysis

Speaker: Ms J. Oliveira (Cambridge, GB)


Access the full session

Cardiac rehabilitation in focus: enhancing heart health and wellness

Speakers: Doctor C. Jennings, Mr G. Balint, Doctor S. Kulnik, Mrs I. Hoeppchen, Doctor L. Pietrzykowski...

About the event


ACNAP Congress 2024

14 June - 15 June 2024

Sessions Presentations