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Inflammation and arterial hypertension are the main risk factors occurrence of AF in patients with heart failure patients with preserved ejection fraction (retrospective study)

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Lusine Gevorg Hazarapetyan

Yerevan MSC, Yerevan (Armenia)
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6 more presentations in this session

Cardiovascular outcomes in hospitalized patients with atrial fibrillation. A one-year follow-up

Speaker: Miss D. Islas Cortes (Ciudad De Mexico, MX)


Diagnostic implication of left atrial stiffness index in evaluating of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction in patients with atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor F. Cabello Montoya (Guayaquil, EC)


Catheter treatment of atrial fibrillation in heart failure patients with systolic dysfunction: its influence on the course of chronic heart failure, 12 months follow up.

Speaker: Doctor A. Baimbetov (Almaty, KZ)


Adherence to the Atrial Fibrillation (AF) Better Care (ABC) pathway among AF patients with heart failure (HF)

Speaker: Doctor H. Zulkifly (Selangor, MY)


Quality of life in patients with atrial fibrillation taking into account the phenotype of heart failure

Speaker: Associate Professor N. Kulaiets (Ivano-Frankivsk, UA)


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ePosters in arrhythmias and device therapy 4

Speakers: Associate Professor L. Hazarapetyan, Miss D. Islas Cortes, Doctor F. Cabello Montoya, Doctor A. Baimbetov, Doctor H. Zulkifly...

About the event


Heart Failure 2024

11 May - 14 May 2024

Sessions Presentations