About the speakers

Professor Izabella Uchmanowicz

Wroclaw Medical University, Wroclaw (Poland)
29 presentations

Doctor Michela Barisone

Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan (Italy)
10 presentations
0 follower

5 more presentations in this session

To be paid or not to be payed- a qualitative analysis on incentives and perceptions on payment of study participants

Speaker: Professor A. Stromberg (Linkoping, SE)


Acceptability of digital technology in patients with heart failure - a single site perspective

Speaker: Mrs A. MCNULTY (Belfast, GB)


The impact of malnutrition, multimorbidity and frailty on functional status and hospitalization time in elderly patients with heart failure

Speaker: Doctor M. Lisiak (Wroclaw, PL)


Feeding the heart: a problem-solving approach to nutrition for rural heart failure dyads

Speaker: Doctor A. Durante (Pisa, IT)


Using non-invasive monitoring devices to assess pulmonary congestion by nurses in primary care: experiences with ReDS and a handheld ultrasound V-scan.

Speaker: Associate Professor N. Kato (Linkoping, SE)


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Cardiovascular nursing and allied professions

Speakers: Professor I. Uchmanowicz, Doctor M. Barisone, Professor A. Stromberg, Mrs A. MCNULTY, Doctor M. Lisiak...

About the event


Heart Failure 2024

11 May - 14 May 2024

Sessions Presentations