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Impact of insulin therapy in diabetic patients hospitalized with acute heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Fadel Bahouth

EMMS Nazareth Hospital, Nazareth (Israel)
1 presentation
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5 more presentations in this session

Impact of cardiac biomarkers on heart failure risk prediction in the general population

Speaker: Doctor C. Morbach (Wuerzburg, DE)


Higher red blood cell distribution width is associated with worse outcomes in patients with chronic heart failure

Speaker: Doctor L. Sensini (Rome, IT)


Predicting mortality in chronic heart failure: combined evaluation of VE/VCO2 and pVO2 independent of LVEF

Speaker: Doctor J. Westphal (Jena, DE)


Cardiac amyloidosis in iceland: a nationwide epidemiologic study.

Speaker: Doctor H. Johannsdottir (Reykjavik, IS)


I NEED HELP: unleashing the full potential of the acronym for the management of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor M. Paiva (Lisbon, PT)


Access the full session

Chronic heart failure - epidemiology, prognosis, outcome 9

Speakers: Doctor F. Bahouth, Doctor C. Morbach, Doctor L. Sensini, Doctor J. Westphal, Doctor H. Johannsdottir...

About the event


Heart Failure 2024

11 May - 14 May 2024

Sessions Presentations