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Whats causing the shock?

Topic: Diagnostic Methods

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Ahmad Keelani

Central Clinic Bad Berka, Bad Berka (Germany)
4 presentations
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4 more presentations in this session

Crying wolf: Inappropriate shocks in a patient with CRT-D

Speaker: Doctor D. Siddharthan (New Delhi, IN)


Pacemaker Malfunction, A Case Study and Importance of ECG Interpretation

Speaker: Doctor A. Bozorgi (Tehran, IR)


You ask for the ATP before the shock, but you get only the shock

Speaker: Doctor Z. Jebberi (Tunis, TN)


Voting time

Speaker: Doctor H. Hillmann (Hannover, DE) Professor M. Glikson (Jerusalem, IL)


Access the full session

EHRA tracing: devices (3)

Speakers: Doctor A. Keelani, Doctor D. Siddharthan, Doctor A. Bozorgi, Doctor Z. Jebberi, Doctor H. Hillmann...

About the event


EHRA 2024

7 April - 9 April 2024

Sessions Presentations