Open Access

Improving patient health outcomes and optimisation of care through the development of a cardiometabolic medicines optimisation clinic

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Rani Khatib

Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, Leeds (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
11 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Chair's welcome and introduction

Speaker: Professor S. Wheatcroft (Leeds, GB)


Implementing a service redesign to deliver expedited, optimised care for patients with Type 2 Diabetes following acute coronary syndrome

Speaker: Mrs V. Wain (Lincoln, GB)


Developing and implementing a comprehensive multidisciplinary heart failure service for patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction

Speaker: Mrs Y. Millerick (Glasgow, GB)


Questions, panel discussion and close

Speaker: Professor S. Wheatcroft (Leeds, GB) Associate Professor R. Khatib (Leeds, GB) Mrs V. Wain (Lincoln, GB) Mrs Y. Millerick (Glasgow, GB)


Access the full session

What roles do we play in transforming the NHS? Industry partnerships and allied professionals driving innovative models of care

Speakers: Associate Professor R. Khatib, Professor S. Wheatcroft, Mrs V. Wain, Mrs Y. Millerick, Professor S. Wheatcroft...

About the event


ACNAP Congress 2023

23 June - 24 June 2023

Sessions Presentations