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A gut feeling: perimyocarditis in Crohn's disease

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Giorgia Panichella

Careggi University Hospital (AOUC), Florence (Italy)
3 presentations
1 follower

4 more presentations in this session

Myocarditis - get ready for the session

Speaker: Doctor H. Takacs (Szeged, HU)


Recurrent flares of myocarditis: How can we extinguish a consuming fire?

Speaker: Mr F. Ravera (Turin, IT)


Disaster in place: Catastrophic antiphospholipid syndrome presenting with fulminant myocarditis.

Speaker: Doctor M. Palazzini (Milan, IT)


Immunosuppressive therapy for fulminant myocarditis: to give or not to give ?

Speaker: Doctor V. Phetcharakupt (Bangkok, TH)


Access the full session

Myocarditis (2)

Speakers: Doctor G. Panichella, Doctor H. Takacs, Mr F. Ravera, Doctor M. Palazzini, Doctor V. Phetcharakupt

About the event


ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations