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The association of vasoactive agents with postoperative atrial fibrillation after cardiac surgery

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Andreas Hammer

Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)
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7 more presentations in this session

Epicardial fat can predict the in-atrial thrombus in patients with atrial fibrillation

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A cardiac rehabilitation and those effects using cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients undergoing catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor S. Maeda (Kawasaki, JP)


Patterns of comorbidities and influence on the natural history of patients with atrial fibrillation: a latent class analysis from a prospective observational european AF registry

Speaker: Doctor G. Romiti (Rome, IT)


Role of liver disease in management and outcomes of european and asian patients with atrial fibrillation: a report from two regional prospective observational AF registries

Speaker: Doctor D. Mei (Modena, IT)


Pulmonary hypertension is an adverse risk factor for patients admitted with atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor M. Kodali (Milwaukee, US)


Access the full session

Predictors for atrial fibrillation

Speakers: Doctor A. Hammer, Doctor M. Tang, Doctor S. Maeda, Doctor G. Romiti, Doctor D. Mei...

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ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations