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Fractional excretion of urea nitrogen can identify true worsening renal function in patients with acute heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Yukihiro Watanabe

Nippon Medical School Hospital, Tokyo (Japan)
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Circulating amyloid-beta 1-40 levels associate with cardiac remodelling and myocardial recovery in advanced heart failure

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Selenium deficiency is associated with anemia in heart failure patients - The HARVEST Study

Speaker: Doctor J. Molvin (Malmoe, SE)


Meteorin-like plasma levels as a novel biomarker for heart failure

Speaker: Ms L. Anido Varela (Santiago de Compostela, ES)


Serum cholinesterase level provides the additional long-time prognostic information over AHEAD risk score in patients with acute decompensated heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.

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Novel biomarkers in heart failure

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ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations