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The role of continuous ultrafiltration in severely ill patients admitted with acutely decompensated congestive heart failure and diuretic resistance

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Emmanouil Mantzouranis

Hippokration General Hospital, Athens (Greece)
2 presentations
1 follower

6 more presentations in this session

MCS current practice and weaning: CCCTN survey of CICU directors at academic medical centers

Speaker: Doctor A. Balgobind (Bronx, US)


The effect of intra-aortic balloon pumping on hemodynamics and left ventricular load in Impella-supported condition: A simulation study

Speaker: Mr H. Matsushita (Suita, JP)


Application of the Altshock-2 randomized trial enrollment criteria to the Altshock-2 registry population: are we missing someone?

Speaker: Doctor M. Milani (Lecco, IT)


Characteristics and outcomes of combination VA-ECMO for cardiogenic shock

Speaker: Associate Professor J. Hernandez-Montfort (Temple, US)


Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction; mechanical circulatory support use in the Netherlands.

Speaker: Miss M. Bogerd (Amsterdam, NL)


Access the full session

Device therapy in acute heart failure and cardiogenic shock

Speakers: Doctor E. Mantzouranis, Doctor A. Balgobind, Mr H. Matsushita, Doctor M. Milani, Associate Professor J. Hernandez-Montfort...

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ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations