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Association of prehospital tracheal intubation with outcomes comparing to supraglottic airway device during out-of-hospital cardiac arrest by drowning: nationwide cohort study in Japan

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Satoshi Yoshimura

Rakuwakai Otowa Hospital, Kyoto (Japan)
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7 more presentations in this session

Development of an AI-based IT tool to support medical device nomenclature standardization for post-market surveillance by automated mapping from GMDN to EMDN standards

Speaker: Associate Professor E. Caiani (Turin, IT)


Association between psychological distress and cardiovascular health amongst cancer survivors in the United States: findings from nationally representative data

Speaker: Professor G. Tse (Hong Kong, CN)


Arterial hypertension, chronic kidney and severe valvular heart disease predict worse outcome after postponing non-emergency cardiac interventions during the COVID-19-pandemic

Speaker: Doctor S. Andress (Ulm, DE)


Understanding of seasonal influenza immunisation and its cardiovascular benefits among cardiology patients

Speaker: Doctor S. Monagle (Melbourne, AU)


Reduction in acute coronary events without excess out of hospital cardiac arrest during the COVID-19 lockdown of 2020 in new South Wales, Australia

Speaker: Doctor S. Fathieh (Buckinghamshire, GB)


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Innovations in public health and health economics (4)

Speakers: Doctor S. Yoshimura, Associate Professor E. Caiani, Professor G. Tse, Doctor S. Andress, Doctor S. Monagle...

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ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations