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Routine functional testing in high-risk patients after imaging- or physiology-guided percutaneous coronary intervention

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Yeonwoo Choi

Asan Medical Center, Seoul (Korea (Republic of))
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Road map fusion imaging in PCI reduces contrast medium exposure irrespective of investigator's experience level

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Residual Microvasuclar Dysfunction (RMVD) after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) assessed by stress- transthoracic Doppler echocardiography (S-TDE).

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Functional Syntax score based on quantitative flow ratio vs. anatomical Syntax score

Speaker: Doctor D. Terentes-Printzios (Athens, GR)


High resting coronary flow velocity and reduced coronary flow velocity reserve independently predict worse survival in diabetic patients without inducible ischemia and normal left ventricular function

Speaker: Doctor L. Meola (Lucca, IT)


Clinical outcomes of physiology-guided coronary revascularization in patients undergoing TAVR

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Access the full session

Invasive imaging assisting revascularisation in chronic coronary syndrome

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ESC Congress 2023

25 August - 28 August 2023

Sessions Presentations