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Estimating prognosis in connective tissue disease related pulmonary hypertension - the value of pulmonary artery compliance

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Catarina Gregorio

Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon (Portugal)
2 presentations
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5 more presentations in this session

Pulmonary hypertension classification based on machine learning using standart chest X-ray:ATA artificial intelligence study-1

Speaker: Associate Professor T. Kivrak (Elazig, TR)


The particularities of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with pulmonary hypertension and heart failure in the early period after myocardial revascularization.

Speaker: Mrs J. Cazacu (Chisinau, MD)


Four-strata risk-assessment tool for pulmonary hypertension: can we associate it with hemodynamic parameters?

Speaker: Doctor B. Silva (Lisbon, PT)


Prevalence and predictors of pulmonary vascular disease in patients with advanced heart failure with reduced ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor S. Vysocansky (Bratislava, SK)


CTEPH: relevance of the new 2022 ESC/ERS definition of pulmonary hypertension and impact on diagnosis accuracy by right heart catheterization.

Speaker: Doctor B. Lacerda Teixeira (Lisbon, PT)


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ePosters in valvular and pulmonary 3

Speakers: Doctor C. Gregorio, Associate Professor T. Kivrak, Mrs J. Cazacu, Doctor B. Silva, Doctor S. Vysocansky...

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations