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ECG characteristics in LVAD patients: regular routine or importantly different?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Guram Imnadze

Heart and Diabetes Center NRW, Bad Oeynhausen (Germany)
4 presentations
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5 more presentations in this session

Cardiac resynchronization therapy in permanent atrial fibrillation

Speaker: Doctor J. Correia (Viseu, PT) Doctor V. Devesa Neto (Viseu, PT)


Durable biventricular mechanical circulatory support in Europe: insights from the PCHF- VAD population

Speaker: Associate Professor M. Cikes (Zagreb, HR)


Does heartmate 3 have influence on right ventricular geometry in short-term follow up?

Speaker: Mr D. Verikas (Kaunas, LT)


Left ventricular assist devices as bridge-to-transplantation in a low organ donor environment

Speaker: Doctor M. Bonios (Athens, GR)


Is non-invasive measured pulmonary pressure a marker of postoperative long-standing instability after heartmate 3 implantation?

Speaker: Mr D. Verikas (Kaunas, LT)


Access the full session

ePosters in chronic heart failure - treatment 6

Speakers: Doctor G. Imnadze, Doctor J. Correia, Doctor V. Devesa Neto, Associate Professor M. Cikes, Mr D. Verikas...

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations