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In-vivo PV-loop assessment to determine changing (left) ventricular and hemodynamic physiology during TAVI

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Antoon Joep Maria Van Den Enden

Erasmus University Medical Centre, Rotterdam (Netherlands (The))
4 presentations
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Acute cardiac failure due to recurrent thrombotic obstruction of mechanical prosthetic mitral valve.

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An atypical agent recurring in the forgotten valve

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The treatment challenge of giant left atrial enlargement and its complications

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Combined TEER and TAVR in patient with severe MR and AS

Speaker: Professor A. Moya (Aalst, BE)


Access the full session

Valvular heart disease 2

Speakers: Doctor A. Van Den Enden, Doctor J. Seiti, Doctor C. Carvalho, Doctor A. Mohammad, Professor A. Moya

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations