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Discordance between conventional functional parameters and 3D echocardiography-derived ejection fraction in the detection of right ventricular systolic dysfunction

Topic: 3D Echocardiography

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Mate Tolvaj

Semmelweis University Heart and Vascular Center, Budapest (Hungary)
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4 more presentations in this session

Prevalence and correlates of low-flow state by 3-dimensional automated echocardiography in aortic stenosis with normal ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor V. Laus (Modena, IT)


Fully Automated 3D echocardiographic algorithms: accurate and time saving - the answer for 3D in routine clinical practice?

Speaker: Doctor B. Miranda Castilho (Santarem, PT)


Multimodality imaging (3D Echocardiography, 3D printing and confocal microscopy) for paravalvular leak visualization

Speaker: Mr M. Jedrzejek (Katowice, PL)


Tricuspid leaflet identification on 2D multiplane transoesophageal echocardiography: lessons from 3D

Speaker: Doctor A. Vella (San Donato Milanese, IT)


Access the full session

3D Echocardiography

Speakers: Doctor M. Tolvaj, Doctor V. Laus, Doctor B. Miranda Castilho, Mr M. Jedrzejek, Doctor A. Vella

About the event


EACVI 2023

10 May - 12 May 2023

Sessions Presentations