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Prevalence, clinical characteristics and outcomes of heart failure patients with or without isolated or combined mitral and tricuspid regurgitation: insight from the ESC HFA EORP Heart Failure Long-Te

Session: Imaging
Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Marianna Adamo

Civil Hospital of Brescia, Brescia (Italy)
38 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Determinants and prognosis of aortic valve calcification in conjunction with carotid atherosclerosis and left ventricular function

Speaker: Assistant Professor M. Kim (Seoul, KR)


Genetics, patterns of hypertrophy and fibrosis on myocardial mechanics in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

Speaker: Assistant Professor M. Kim (Seoul, KR)


Coronary microvascular dysfunction in patients with heart failure: characterization of the endotypes with intracoronary continuous thermodilution

Speaker: Doctor M. Belmonte (Rome, IT)


Multi-organ ultrasound evaluation of congestion in patients with heart failure

Speaker: Doctor N. Pugliese (Pisa, IT)


Access the full session


Speakers: Associate Professor M. Adamo, Assistant Professor M. Kim, Assistant Professor M. Kim, Doctor M. Belmonte, Doctor N. Pugliese

About the event


Heart Failure 2023

20 May - 23 May 2023

Sessions Presentations