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The LIPL Study Postprandial lipid profile, inflammation and platelet activity in patients with chronic coronary syndrome

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Edita Pogran

Ottakring Clinic, Vienna (Austria)
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8 more presentations in this session

Pilot study: The LIPL-PLATELET study postprandial LIPid paneLs and PLATELET activity in coronary heart disease after treatment with PCSK9-inhibitors

Speaker: Doctor E. Pogran (Vienna, AT)


Predictors of cardiovascular disease in a familial hypercholesterolemia unit

Speaker: Doctor G. Cortez Quiroga (Andújar, ES)


Discordance between LDL cholesterol and apolypoprotein B. Which to prefer to guide treatment?

Speaker: Miss L. Cobarro Galvez (Madrid, ES)


Impact of lipid lowering therapies after an acute coronary syndrome, applied through telematic consultation, in a cohort of elderly patients

Speaker: Mr D. Mialdea Salmeron (Cadiz, ES)


Evaluation of Triglycerides-glucose (TyG) index in a cardiac rehabilitation program. Looking for associations and outcomes.

Speaker: Mr R. Martinez Gonzalez (Madrid, ES)


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Moderated ePoster 10

Speakers: Doctor E. Pogran, Doctor E. Pogran, Doctor G. Cortez Quiroga, Miss L. Cobarro Galvez, Mr D. Mialdea Salmeron...

About the event


ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

13 April - 15 April 2023

Sessions Presentations