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Exposure to air pollution - trigger for acute coronary syndromes. Longitude study in two cohorts of industrial and non-industrial cities

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Lukasz Kuzma

Medical University of Bialystok, Bialystok (Poland)
1 presentation

6 more presentations in this session

Social networks as a predictor of cardiovascular disease incidence and mortality: 10-year observation of the Polish HAPIEE cohort

Speaker: Doctor M. Kozela (Cracow, PL)


The role of socioeconomic background on cardiovascular health promotion in early childhood: insights from the SI Program for preschoolers

Speaker: Ms A. de Cos-Gandoy (Barcelona, ES)


Analysis of an acute effect of air pollution on cardiovascular mortality in Eastern Poland (EP-PARTICLES study)

Speaker: Mr M. Swieczkowski (Bialystok, PL)


Evolution of smoking-attributable cardiovascular mortality in Germany 1992-2020

Speaker: Professor U. Mons (Cologne, DE)


Burden of cardiometabolic diseases and life expectancy with and without atrial fibrillation among men and women

Speaker: Mr Z. Lu (Beijing, CN)


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Population Science and Public Health 1

Speakers: Assistant Professor L. Kuzma, Doctor M. Kozela, Ms A. de Cos-Gandoy, Mr M. Swieczkowski, Professor U. Mons...

About the event


ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

13 April - 15 April 2023

Sessions Presentations