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Cardiac magnetic resonance feature-tracking analysis of left atrial volumes and function in standard vs left-atrial focused images

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Giandomenico Disabato

IRCCS San Donato Polyclinic, San Donato Milanese (Italy)
2 presentations

8 more presentations in this session

The association between native myocardial T1 relaxation times and left atrial phasic structure and function: The UK Biobank Imaging Enhancement Study

Speaker: Mr M. Wong (London, GB)


Longitudinal assessment of myocardial edema following experimental acute myocardial infarction using a comprehensive CMR protocol

Speaker: Doctor R. Jablonowski (Lund, SE)


Inter-field strength agreement of left atrial assessment at 1.5T and 3T

Speaker: Miss A. Alfuhied (Riyadh, SA)


Invasive validation of pressure-volume loops derived from cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging and brachial blood pressure in heart failure patients

Speaker: Doctor P. Arvidsson (Lund, SE)


Impact of persistent MVO late after STEMI on adverse left ventricular remodelling: a CMR study

Speaker: Mr C. Rios Navarro (Valencia, ES)


Access the full session

Cardiac magnetic resonance: from bench to bedside

Speakers: Doctor G. Disabato, Mr M. Wong, Doctor R. Jablonowski, Miss A. Alfuhied, Doctor P. Arvidsson...

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations