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Effectiveness of roux-en-Y gastric bypass vs sleeve gastrectomy on lipid levels in type 2 diabetes: a meta-analysis

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Lorenzo Martin Lobo

Education Administration - Argentine Army, Buenos Aires (Argentina)
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6 more presentations in this session

Dementia in individuals with severe hypercholesterolemia: Korean nationwide cohort study

Speaker: Doctor S. Lee (Seoul, KR)


Lipoprotein(a) testing in clinical practice: real-life data from a large health-care provider

Speaker: Doctor A. Aker (Haifa, IL)


The impact of statin on post-operative atrial fibrillation after discharge from cardiac surgery: secondary analysis of the SEARCH-AF CardioLink-1 randomized trial

Speaker: Doctor A. Ha (Toronto, CA)


Risk stratification and lipid evaluation in mexican patients, evidence of lipid and cardiovascular analysis of a real world data registry (REMECAR)

Speaker: Doctor M. de los Rios-Ibarra (Culiacan, MX)


Longitudinal associations of cumulative dyslipidaemia from mid-adolescence through young adulthood with arterial stiffness progression: the ALSPAC study

Speaker: Doctor A. Agbaje (Kuopio, FI)


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Lipids 1

Speakers: Doctor L. Lobo, Doctor S. Lee, Doctor A. Aker, Doctor A. Ha, Doctor M. de los Rios-Ibarra...

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ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations