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Clinical outcomes of percutaneous coronary intervention and rotational atherectomy using second generation drug eluting stents: a Korean multicentre analysis

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Kyung An Kim

Incheon St. Marys Hospital, Seoul (Korea (Republic of))
1 follower

5 more presentations in this session

The long-term cardiac events after coronary bifurcation stenting with second-generation drug-eluting stents in elderly patients are comparable to those of younger patients

Speaker: Professor J. Park (Seoul, KR)


In-hospital and long-term outcomes of percutaneous coronary interventions for chronic total occlusions in patients with contrast-associated acute kidney injury

Speaker: Doctor P. Tajti (Bonyhad, HU)


ST Segment myocardial infarction due to totally occluded unprotected left main coronary artery (TOULM): an insight from nationwide database

Speaker: Doctor A. Arabi (Doha, QA) Doctor I. Rafie (Doha, QA)


PCI of chronic total occlusions: what is the clinical benefit and impact on quality of life?

Speaker: Doctor H. Costa (Faro, PT)


Feasibility and clinical outcomes of 48 mm drug eluting stents in management of patients with coronary artery disease

Speaker: Doctor A. El Amrawy (Alexandria, EG)


Access the full session

Coronary artery disease - Revascularisation 4

Speakers: Doctor K. Kim, Professor J. Park, Doctor P. Tajti, Doctor A. Arabi, Doctor I. Rafie...

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ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations