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How do Heart Failure Caregivers gain information and support for their role? The contribution of specialist nurses.

Topic: Multidisciplinary Interventions

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Susan Schutz

Oxford Brookes University, Oxford (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
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17 more presentations in this session

Non-introduction or withdrawal of prognostic-modifying drugs in HF with reduced ejection fraction

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Effectiveness of nurse-led self-care interventions on self-care behaviours, self-efficacy, depression, and illness perceptions in people with heart failure: a meta-analysis

Speaker: Mr Z. Huang (Hong Kong, CN)


Soluble ST2 and nutritional status in patients hospitalized with heart failure with reduced ejection fraction - pilot study

Speaker: Mr F. Wasniewski (Poznan, PL)


Depressive symptoms are mediating the relationship between non-cardiac comorbidities and self-care of heart failure

Speaker: Associate Professor K. Lee (Seoul, KR)


Consequences of chronic heart failure on the persons social dimension

Speaker: Assistant Professor M. Olano-Lizarraga (Pamplona, ES)


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ePoster session 4

Speakers: Doctor S. Schutz, Miss C. Maciel, Mr Z. Huang, Mr F. Wasniewski, Associate Professor K. Lee...

About the event


ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

22 May - 23 May 2022

Sessions Presentations