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Heart failure is the cancer for the heart: the prognostic importance of the new HLM classification

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Andrea D'Amato

Sapienza University of Rome, Rome (Italy)
1 presentation
1 follower

4 more presentations in this session

Role of urinary potassium to creatinine ratio for tailoring the type of diuretic regimen in patients with acute heart failure and diuretic resistance

Speaker: Doctor F. Croset (Madrid, ES)


Eligibility for sotagliflozin in a real-world heart failure population based on the SOLOIST-WHF trial enrolment criteria: data from the Swedish Heart Failure Registry

Speaker: Doctor P. Becher (Hamburg, DE)


Impact of obstructive sleep apnea in patients undergoing left ventricular assist device implantation

Speaker: Doctor N. Patel (Hartford, US)


Clinical, laboratory associates and prognostic significance of hypocapnia in acute heart failure. 

Speaker: Mr M. Garus (Wroclaw, PL)


Access the full session

Acute heart failure: treatment and prognosis

Speakers: Doctor A. D'Amato, Doctor F. Croset, Doctor P. Becher, Doctor N. Patel, Mr M. Garus

About the event


Heart Failure 2022

21 May - 24 May 2022

Sessions Presentations