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Screening fragility in outpatients with heart failure: multimodality assessment vs. the Vulnerable Elderly Survey 13 (VES-13) scale

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Thais Roig

University Hospital Germans Trias and Pujol de Badalona, Badalona (Spain)
1 follower

6 more presentations in this session

Thirst in stable heart failure patients; time to reconsider fluid restriction and diuretics

Speaker: Doctor G. Linssen (Almelo, NL)


Cognitive funtion is a strong determinant of the impact of self-care behaviour on health-related quality of life in patients with heart failure: insights from the DAMOCLES study.

Speaker: Ms N. Jose-Bazan (Hospitalet De Llobregat, ES)


Sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors eligibility in patients with heart failure across the spectrum of ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor L. Monzo (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, FR)


Quality of life in patients with heart failure and improved ejection fraction

Speaker: Mrs B. Gonzalez Fernandez (Barcelona, ES)


The gap in health-related quality of life gap according to self-care behavior can be partially explained by the interplay between self-efficacy and literacy in patients with heart failure.

Speaker: Ms N. Jose-Bazan (Hospitalet De Llobregat, ES)


Access the full session

Symptoms, quality of life and frailty in heart failure

Speakers: Doctor T. Roig, Doctor G. Linssen, Ms N. Jose-Bazan, Doctor L. Monzo, Mrs B. Gonzalez Fernandez...

About the event


Heart Failure 2022

21 May - 24 May 2022

Sessions Presentations