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Severity and clinical outcome after percutanous mitral valve repair in primary and secondary mitral regurgitation

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Miss Dilba Arslanoglu

German Heart Center Muenchen Technical University of Munich, Munich (Germany)
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8 more presentations in this session

2-year outcomes for transcatheter repair in patients with functional mitral regurgitation from the CLASP study

Speaker: Doctor P. Kourkoveli (Maroussi-Athens, GR)


Impact of mitral regurgitation in patients with worsening heart failure: Insights from BIOSTAT-CHF.

Speaker: Doctor M. Pagnesi (Brescia, IT)


Prevalence and determinants of right ventricular dysfunction in patients with severe symptomatic high-gradient aortic stenosis

Speaker: Doctor S. Maltes (Lisbon, PT)


Gender disparities in percutaneous mitral valve repair

Speaker: Professor I. Oh (Pforzheim, DE)


Chronic kidney disease impact after mitraclip therapy: five-year outcomes from the GRASP registry

Speaker: Doctor M. Pelliccia (Tivoli, IT)


Access the full session

Valvular Heart Disease and Interventional Cardiology

Speakers: Miss D. Arslanoglu, Doctor P. Kourkoveli, Doctor M. Pagnesi, Doctor S. Maltes, Professor I. Oh...

About the event


Heart Failure 2021

29 June - 1 July 2021

Sessions Presentations