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Multimodality Imaging of the Brain-Heart-Axis after Ischemic Stroke Reveals Acute and Chronic Cardiac Dysfunction after Cerebral Ischemia

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Miss Nele Hermanns

Hannover Medical School, Hannover (Germany)
1 follower

3 more presentations in this session

Long-term cardiac risk in individuals with low calcium score on coronary computed tomography angiography can be stratified by the pericoronary fat radiomic profile (FRP)

Speaker: Doctor C. Kotanidis (Boston, US)


Value of coronary artery calcium score in reporting SPECT versus PET myocardial perfusion imaging

Speaker: Doctor J. van Dijk (Zwolle, NL)


Value of regional myocardial flow measurements using Rubidium-82 PET

Speaker: Ms S. Koenders (Zwolle, NL)


Access the full session

Young Investigators Award Session

Speakers: Miss N. Hermanns, Doctor C. Kotanidis, Doctor J. van Dijk, Ms S. Koenders

About the event


ICNC-CT 2021

9 May - 11 May 2021

Sessions Presentations