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Sheathless guiding catheter versus 'slender' sheath/guiding catheter combination in acute coronary syndrome: a propensity-matched analysis of two downsized devices

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Tsuyoshi Isawa

Sendai Kousei Hospital, Sendai (Japan)
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238 more presentations in this session

Prevalence of thrombophilia and antiphospholipid syndrome in myocardial infarction with non-obstructive coronary arteries and cryptogenic stroke

Speaker: Miss S. Kruchinova (Krasnodar, RU)


Impact of admission serum acid uric levels on in-hospital outcomes in patients with acute coronary syndrome

Speaker: Doctor M. Centola (Desio, IT)


Clinical predictors and angiographic features of acute coronary syndromes caused by systemic embolism

Speaker: Mr A. Jeronimo (Madrid, ES)


Morphological characteristics of plaque erosion with noncritical coronary stenosis: an optical coherence tomography study

Speaker: Doctor C. Fang (Harbin, CN)


Metformin exerts cardioprotection via attenuating mitochondrial fission in cardiac ischaemia-reperfusion injury in rats

Speaker: Doctor S. Priyadechawarawong (Chiang Mai, TH)


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Acute Coronary Syndromes ePosters

Speakers: Doctor T. Isawa, Miss S. Kruchinova, Doctor M. Centola, Mr A. Jeronimo, Doctor C. Fang...

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations