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Self-navigated MRI 3D whole heart sequence for non-enhanced aortic root measurement in transcatheter aortic valve intervention: comparison to cardiac CT

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Magdalena Holzknecht

Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck (Austria)
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16 more presentations in this session

Tissue tracking MR to evaluate left ventricular global myocardial deformation in patients with cardiac amyloidosis of transmural late gadolinium enhancement

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Hybrid CMR- and FDG-PET-imaging gives new insights into the relationship of myocardial metabolic activity and fibrosis in patients with Becker muscular dystrophy

Speaker: Doctor A. Florian (Berlin, DE)


Right ventricular morphology and function analysis in moderately preterm-born young adults

Speaker: Mrs A. Mohamed (Oxford, GB)


Subclinical leaflet thrombosis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: association to reverse left ventricular remodeling

Speaker: Doctor J. Kuneman (Den Haag, NL)


Assessment of correlation between silent brain damages and clinical characteristics in patients with persistent atrial fibrillation and concomitant arterial hypertension

Speaker: Mrs Y. Persidskikh (Minsk, BY)


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Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics ePosters

Speakers: Doctor M. Holzknecht, Doctor Z. Li, Doctor A. Florian, Mrs A. Mohamed, Doctor J. Kuneman...

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations