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The gender-specific role of prediabetes on 10-year cardiovascular disease incidence: Highlights from the ATTICA prospective (2002-2012) study.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Miss Matina Kouvari

Harokopio University, Athens (Greece)
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2 more presentations in this session

Markers of subclinical cardiac disease associate with thresholds for pre-diabetes and diabetes in the general population: data from the ACE 1950 Study

Speaker: Doctor P. Myhre (Oslo, NO)


Socioeconomic position influences the risk of first-time cardiovascular event in patients with type 2 diabetes in spite of equal access to healthcare - a Danish nationwide cohort study

Speaker: Doctor A. Falkentoft (Roskilde, DK)


Access the full session

Cardiovascular Involvement in pre-Diabetes

Speakers: Miss M. Kouvari, Doctor P. Myhre, Doctor A. Falkentoft

About the event


ESC Congress 2020

29 August - 1 September 2020

Sessions Presentations