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Hear your heart: how to detect ECG signal from the in-ear region

Topic: Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Raffaele De Lucia

University Hospital of Pisa, Pisa (Italy)
6 presentations
1 follower

3 more presentations in this session

Confirm Rx(TM) .

Speaker: Doctor A. Fischer (Sylmar, US)


Global positioning system - incorporates emergency dispatch, intelligent Automatic External Defibrillator cabinets and iBeacon marked mobile resuscitation units.

Speaker: Associate Professor F. Henriksen (Odense, DK)


Epicardio Simulation™ - Cardiac EP.

Speaker: Doctor V. Hurmusiadis (London, GB)


Access the full session

m-Health and Other e-Health 1

Speakers: Doctor R. De Lucia, Doctor A. Fischer, Associate Professor F. Henriksen, Doctor V. Hurmusiadis

About the event


Digital Health 2019

5 October - 6 October 2019

Sessions Presentations