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ClaritySoft: an online artificial intelligence framework to support data collection in communities and improve chronic disease management.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Luiz Sergio Carvalho

Catholic University of Brasilia, Brasilia (Brazil)
1 presentation
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4 more presentations in this session

Cardiomatics - AI for ECG analysis.

Speaker: Doctor R. Samborski (Krakow, PL)


ARGUS Hackathon: Development of a machine learning algorithm to exclude coronary macro- and microvascular disease in a clinical care dataset.

Speaker: Miss K. Siegersma (Amsterdam, NL)


WITHDRAWN - Atrial fibrillation risk prediction from photoplethysmogram recording with machine learning approach.


WITHDRAWN - Cardio.AI - AI platform for automatic annotation and interpretation of long and short ECGs and detect more than 100 beat and rhythm abnormalities.


Access the full session

Artificial Intelligence 2

Speakers: Doctor L. Carvalho, Doctor R. Samborski, Miss K. Siegersma

About the event


Digital Health 2019

5 October - 6 October 2019

Sessions Presentations