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Can 2D speckle tracking echocardiography have an additional impact on prediction of hospitalizations due to heart failure decompensation in patients with ischemic left ventricular systolic dysfunction

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Ludmila Danilowicz-Szymanowicz

Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk (Poland)
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7 more presentations in this session

Shear wave imaging using ultra-high frame rate echocardiography for the assessment of structural changes in cardiac transplant recipients

Speaker: Doctor A. Popescu (Mainz, DE)


Left ventricular diastolic function is a predictor of volumetric response to cardiac resynchronization therapy

Speaker: Doctor E. Galli (Strasbourg, FR)


Prevalence of diastolic dysfunction according to EACVI/ASE guidelines from 2009 and 2016 in a 63-65 years old general population cohort-Data from the ACE 1950 study

Speaker: Doctor K. Sveen (Oslo, NO)


An analysis of myocardial efficiency in patients with severe asymptomatic mitral regurgitation

Speaker: Doctor R. Cetin Guvenc (Istanbul, TR)


The inclusion of pulmonary arterial pressure misclassifies diastolic function using the current EACVI guidelines in pre-capillary pulmonary hypertension.

Speaker: Doctor A. Telmesani (Montreal, CA)


Access the full session

Imaging: systolic and diastolic function

Speakers: Professor L. Danilowicz-Szymanowicz, Doctor A. Popescu, Doctor E. Galli, Doctor K. Sveen, Doctor R. Cetin Guvenc...

About the event


EuroEcho 2019

4 December - 7 December 2019

Sessions Presentations