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Self-expandable transcatheter aortic valve implantation is associated with frequent periprocedural stroke detected by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging -Insight from propensity score match

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Ms Mana Ogawa

Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka (Japan)
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10 more presentations in this session

Funding resistance and 1-year outcomes in SHARE-TAVI, a local South African TAVR/TAVI registry

Speaker: Mrs E. Schaafsma (Johannesburg, ZA)


Discordant criteria in moderate aortic stenosis patients: prognostic implications

Speaker: Mr S. Pio (Sao Paulo, BR)


Predicting adverse outcomes after TAVI procedure - a comparison of two CoreValve generations using real-life outcomes and patient-specific computer simulations

Speaker: Doctor F. Loncaric (Zagreb, HR)


Correlates of the ratio of acceleration time to ejection time in patients with aortic stenosis: an echocardiographic and computed tomography study

Speaker: Doctor A. Altes (Lille, FR)


A reappraisal of bioprosthetic aortic valve failure related to structural valve degeneration

Speaker: Professor T. Le Tourneau (Nantes, FR)


Access the full session

Poster Session 4 - Issues surrounding aortic valves interventions

Speakers: Ms M. Ogawa, Mrs E. Schaafsma, Mr S. Pio, Doctor F. Loncaric, Doctor A. Altes...

About the event


ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations