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Interaction of CaMKII and NaV1.8 modulates cardiac electrophysiology in human heart failure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Petros Tirilomis

University Medical Centre of Gottingen (UMG), Goettingen (Germany)
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12 more presentations in this session

VEGFR1-PLC signaling is implicated in normal spontaneous firing of cardiac pacemaker cells.

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Ventricular fibrosis spatial distribution and quantity is a key mechanistic determinant of ventricular fibrillation mechanisms

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Increased in vivo perpetuation of whole-heart ventricular arrhythmia in heterozygous Na+/Ca2+-exchanger knockout mice

Speaker: Doctor T. Beiert (Bonn, DE)


Two novel mutations in SCN5A gene cause enhanced inactivation and lead to Brugada syndrome

Speaker: Miss A. Zaytseva (Saint Petersburg, RU)


Electrophysiological and structural characterization of acute atrial myocardial infarction

Speaker: Doctor G. Amoros-Figueras (Barcelona, ES)


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Poster Session 2 - Electrophysiology and arrhythmias

Speakers: Mr P. Tirilomis, Doctor T. Vinogradova, Doctor B. Handa, Doctor T. Beiert, Miss A. Zaytseva...

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ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations