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Plasma volume status is associated with the change in nutritional status during hospitalization in acute decompensated heart failure patients with preserved left ventricular ejection fraction

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Shunsuke Tamaki

Ehime University Graduate School of Medicine, Toon (Japan)
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10 more presentations in this session

Unplanned readmissions after discharge increases risk of death in acute dyspnoea patients: non-cardiac is as severe as cardiac causes

Speaker: Ms K. Cerlinskaite-Bajore (Vilnius, LT)


Long-term prognostic value of the combination of fibrosis-4 index and acute kidney injury in patients with admitted for acute decompensated heart failure

Speaker: Doctor T. Yamada (Osaka, JP)


Discharge echocardiographic parameters of RV and LV function but not of changes in cardiac unloading are related to 12-month prognosis during hospitalization for acute decompensated heart failure

Speaker: Doctor P. Monney (Lausanne, CH)


TLR-4 expression predicts mortality in patients with acute heart failure

Speaker: Doctor K. Krychtiuk (Vienna, AT)


Verification of selective arterial blood sampling for the assessment of in-hospital mortality in acute decompensated heart failure

Speaker: Doctor K. Takahara (Nagoya, JP)


Access the full session

Poster Session 1 - Acute heart failure

Speakers: Mr S. Tamaki, Ms K. Cerlinskaite-Bajore, Doctor T. Yamada, Doctor P. Monney, Doctor K. Krychtiuk...

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ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations