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Growth differentiation factor 15 predicts subclinical left ventricular dysfunction: Data from the Akershus Cardiac Examination 1950 Study

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Magnus Nakrem Lyngbakken

Akershus University Hospital - AHUS, Nordbyhagen (Norway)
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Prognostic performance of echocardiography, electrocardiogram, albuminuria, plasma proBNP and hs-TnI in patients with type 2 diabetes

Speaker: Mr N. Busch (Copenhagen, DK)


Algorythm for estimation of long-term prognosis for patients with AMI complicated with acute cardiorenal syndrome

Speaker: Doctor A. Siverina (Saint Petersburg, RU)


A novel prediction model for mortality after cardiac surgery using institutional case volume

Speaker: Doctor S. Lee (Seoul, KR)


Classification of pronounced subclinical atherosclerosis: deep learning approach of carotid intima media ultrasound images is superior to clinical risk factors

Speaker: Ms E. Nyman (Umea, SE)


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Poster Session 4 - Prevention - Risk assessment

Speakers: Doctor M. Lyngbakken, Doctor R. Hortegal, Mr N. Busch, Doctor A. Siverina, Doctor S. Lee...

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ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations